Saturday, April 23, 2011

A real life example

If you haven’t read the last two blog posts I’ve done today, please do so now. They will come to play in this blog post. They are about prayer and challenging times. I need to give you the background about why I did those blog posts, and why I’m doing this one.

I am going to keep this very vague for now. It’s in an effort to keep my privacy, but I still want to be as transparent as I am able. It’s to show you what God has done and how the enemy is already working through this blog and blog book. It’s to encourage you.

Yesterday, my husband and I were dealt a very good news/bad news situation. Very much so. It’s something that could have hurt us deeply. It’s life-changing. It’s a life challenge that can make or break a couple—and could make or break the lives of each individual—and could change their faith. It came out of the blue, on the one hand, and wasn’t a surprise on the other.

However, we were I prayer about it—and we had people in prayer about it.

It ended up being the good news/bad news scenario. It’s the stuff that nightmares could be made of. It will be a difficult long-term journey because of the results of this life season.


God showed up! We refused and refuse to get in His way.

The peace of God washed over us like a river and we were able to remember that HE is in CONTROL. Our God is able.

Now, let me give you more of a background. I am emotional. I am a worry-wort. I tend to try to control things. I tend to get in the way of God. I tend to doubt. These are all the thorns in my flesh I have to work on fighting back every minute of every day.

The moment we were hit with the bad news scenario, the peace washed over us. How? We were bathed in prayer. That’s how. Prayer changes things and it changes us.

We used it as an opportunity to stop and wait and see how God would work and would respond. We didn’t give in and try to take care of it ourselves. In the process, God showed us how He knew about this all alone and has orchestrated our lives accordingly. He has a plan. He says that, no, it’s not the easy road, That would have been easier. But, the road is more of a scenic route. It will take longer, but we’ll see more beauty along the way. We’ll learn more lessons and will have more opportunities to draw forever closer to Him and His Word—and pray more. All of these are blessings—not challenges. Opportunities. Not something to dread.

Someday, I will share with you the specifics. You need to know the full story of what God has done. It’s amazing. Just not yet.

The other shoe fell. The sky fell.

But, God says that He’s got this.

The path will be a challenge in every way. Literally. But, we’ll get through—with God and with one another as a couple. It will strengthen us individually and as a couple—and has already.

It’s also giving me a real-life example of how prayer works. Prayer changes things.

The prayer I would have had even a month ago was for this NOT to happen. It was a great fear of mine. People need to have counseling after something like this. There should be grief here. There should be questions and doubt. But, God swooped in and said, “I’ve got it. I have a plan.”

Who am I to get in His way?

Who am I not to watch the glory of God—and say, “Go ahead! Use me!”

The easy way is rarely the best way. We tend to miss a lot of scenery, a lot of stories along the journey, a lot of lessons that could be learned, and the joy of watching God work—with the easy way. Give me the hard way. I want to be used for the glory of God. It’s pretty magnificent!

To Him be the glory, honor, and praise!

I pray this is an inspiration to you.

~ Stacy Duplease
Remembering Your Present, LLC, Prayer Guard USA, and pj4life (Prayer Journaling for Life)
Author of Biblical Fiction, Bible Studies, and Devotionals

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